Increases oxygen Uptake
Throat Ease is a throat spray for sore and irritated throats from either being sick or
from over use. Throat Ease will warm and bronchio-dilate the lungs and sooth the
throat with its coating herbs. It is a great respiratory remedy for acute colds, fu,
sinus infections, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, smokers’ lung and general lung
congestion. Throat Ease is also for throat irritation from singing, talking excessively
from lecturing, acting, yelling (sports) or from just being ill. It is a powerful lung
macrophage (white blood cell) stimulant to help the lung powerfully address viral
and bacterial conditions. It helps clear the lungs of congestion in order to resolve
lingering mucus that wants to be expelled. If mucus stays in the lungs too long,
it becomes a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria to continually live, thus
prolonging recovery from colds and flues.
Throat Ease is also a preventative for people who lecture, travel on airplanes, teach,
work in the public health arena or are prone to getting sick. Use of Throat Ease at
the initial onset of a respiratory illness usually will stop it or diminish it (combine
with Echinacea or Oregano Oil).
For colds and fu, Throat Ease is a powerful and immediate lung white blood cell
stimulant (Osha, Propolis). Phlegm is loosened with Licorice and the lungs are
opened with Osha. Thyme is specific for throat infections while Propolis coats and
helps create an immune barrier. General immunity is stimulated with Echinacea and
Spilanthes. Both of those herbs also increase saliva, which pH corrects the mouth
and throat to prevent bacteria penetration. As long as saliva and healthy mucus
cover the throat, microorganisms such as Strep and infuenza will have a harder time
penetrating tissue and moving into the body. Licorice, Aloe Vera and honey help to
coat mucosal tissue like the throat as demulcents. Ginger increases blood supply
to the respiratory tract to bring in innate immunity and help resolve an infection.
Osha will also increase oxygen uptake and is indicated for athletes, altitude sickness,
oxygen depleted individuals and asthmatics. It is great for high altitude sports.
Osha brings blood into the capillaries of the lungs, thus facilitating oxygen uptake
via hemoglobin.
Throat Ease will help smokers to clear out their lungs. It will mildly bronchio-dilate
for asthmatics.
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