Respir-Ease/Respiratory Complex is a great respiratory remedy for acute colds, fu,
sinus infections, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, smokers’ lung, pneumocystis, and
general lung congestion. It is a powerful lung macrophage (white blood cell) stimulant
to help the lung powerfully address viral and bacterial conditions. It helps clear the
lungs of congestion in order to resolve lingering mucus that wants to be expelled.
If mucus stays in the lungs too long, it becomes a breeding ground for viruses and
bacteria to continually live, thus prolonging recovery from colds and flues.
Respir-Ease/Respiratory Complex is a preventative for people who lecture, travel,
teach, work in the public health arena or are prone to getting sick. It is great in
that “uh oh“ stage where one feels like they are on the edge of getting sick. Use of
Respir-Ease/Respiratory Complex at the initial onset of a respiratory illness usually
will stop it or diminish it (combine with Echinacea).
For colds and fu, Respir-Ease/Respiratory Complex is a powerful and immediate
lung white blood cell stimulant (Osha, Lomatium). Phlegm is loosened with Licorice,
the chest cavity is opened with Lobelia, lungs relax with Wild Cherry and Mullein,
and Yerba Santa excites the lung cilia to remove the phlegm. This is especially
good for spastic cough.
Respir-Ease/Respiratory Complex will increase oxygen uptake and is indicated for
athletes, altitude sickness, oxygen depleted individuals and asthmatics. It is great
for high altitude sports. Osha brings blood into the capillaries of the lungs, thus
facilitating oxygen uptake via hemoglobin.
Respir-Ease/Respiratory Complex will help smokers to clear out their lungs. It will
mildly bronchio-dilate for asthmatics.
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