High Potency Lipotropics Cardiovascular & Liver Support
Fat (especially cholesterol) has come to be known as the Evil Empire of Nutrition. Many of us consume too much fat contributing to obesity, heart/circulatory disease, diabetes, fatty liver and decreased life expectancy.
Recent statistics confirm that 79 million Americans are overweight and 16 million have gallstones. Furthermore, Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death accounting for over 50% of all fatalities.
Atherosclerosis, the major cause of heart disease, is due to fatty deposits and calcification in the artery walls from excessive intake of dietary carbohydrates or fats. In response, the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends reducing the intake of dietary fat from the current average of 40 percent to a maximum level of 30 percent of total calories. Equally as starting is that Americans consume about 3 billion pounds of hydrogenated fats each year. Furthermore; the U.S.D.A. has determined that nutrition can reduce morbidity and mortality from heart disease. Many clinicians believe that the lipotropic nutrients in the FAT BURNER are the first priority in a Nutritional Protocol for circulation.
The liver, the largest organ of the body, has been described as the chemical factory and filter of the body that maintains homeostasis. Liver damage is all too common because of the rise in drug/alcohol abuse, chemical/pollution exposure and dietary insults. Liver damage is also common in overweight people. The good news is the liver has a remarkable capacity for regeneration if provided all the essential nutrients. FAT BURNER contains those nutrients especially helpful for the function and restoration of the liver.
The choline has an added benefit as the precursor of acetylcholine an important neural transmitter and essential for the health of the myelin sheath and nerve fibers
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