Sophisticated 2 stage Dissolving DIGESTANT
Proper digestion and subsequent absorption is paramount to good nutrition
Proper digestion and subsequent absorption is paramount to good nutrition. Dietary over indulgence and abuse, stress, illness, aging and poor mastication can result in insufficient digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes release amino acids from protein, simple sugar from carbohydrates and glycerol and fatty acids from fats to be absorbed and utilization for repair and energy by the body.
The sophisticated 2 stage dissolving TOTAL DIGEST releases stomach enzymes in minutes while preserving the intestinal enzymes from destruction so that they are released with full benefit in the duodenal region. The proteolytic enzymes of trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain and bromelain are not only digestants, but also contain anti-inflammatory properties demonstrated helpful in injuries with traumatic edema and clots.
Nutritional Support For:
Primary. gas/bloat, indigestion, malabsorption, heart burn, gallbladder, acid indigestion, over-eating, appetite loss
Secondary stress, geriatric, food sensitive, surgery, gallstones, abdominal cramps, nausea, weight loss, food allergy, fractures, cystic fibrosis (due to pinocytosis), arthritis, constipation
All in One Sophisticated Formula for Maximum Patient Compliance & Results!
Use: As an aid to digestion for adults and children 4 or more years of age 1 to 2 tablets at, or after a meal or as directed by a physician.
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