Nervine (nerve soother and re-builder)
Parasympathomimetic (decreases adrenaline, or fight or flight)
Sedative (nervous system calmer)
Analgesic (reduces pain)
ZZZZZ is for those who tend to think too much, worry or simply cannot stop the
internal mental wheels from turning. This results in insomnia at night and stress
during the day. It is eventually exhausting. Some experience this turmoil in the
quiet times of the day. This can be during meditation, alone time or at bedtime.
This hyperactive thinking is best treated with these herbs, which help to calm the
mind through calming adrenaline (parasympathomimetic). Adrenaline can stimulate
the mind into compulsive thinking of all that is problematic. Stronger sedatives
like Valerian can make one feel too sedate and tired during the day and should
be avoided, whereas these herbs calm and focus during the day. At night, ZZZZZ
helps calm the mind and let sleep overtake the mind and move one into a peaceful
dream state. It is a specific for those who are exhausted, want to go to sleep, but
their mind keeps them awake.
It is gentler than the Relax formula. If anxiety
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