
Nature’s Health Shoppe Parasite 1 oz

Original price was: $14.49.Current price is: $12.99.

Category: Product ID: 11337


Anthelmintic (kills parasites)
Vermifuge (expels parasites)
Reduces diarrhea
Parasite/La Turista simply kills parasites. Parasite/La Turista can be used as a
preventative before travel or camping where parasites are common. It can be used
as an acute remedy when ill with parasites in order to kill the parasites (worms,
giardia, amoebas).
Many undiagnosed conditions are now suspected to have parasites as a vague
underlying cause. If one wishes to treat themselves in a safe manner, Parasite/La
Turista can be used safely in doses described below. Use Digest-Ease/Digest-Aid
to help acidify the digestive mass in order to create an environment inhospitable
to parasites.
If traveling to a country or area where parasites are common, begin taking 60 drops
2 times per day for a few days before going to the problematic area. Continue with
this dose the whole time away and for a few days after returning. This is also true
for campers using contaminated water.
Acute Need:
If parasites are present, take 60-90 drops 3-4 times per day until symptoms stop
and then for a few more days. Commonly, one can go into a dormant phase of
parasitic infection and one needs to continue taking Parasite/La Turista through
this phase. It is common to need to take this for at least one full month in order to
kill all parasites in all their phases (eggs to maturity).


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